Paul L. Arvidson writes both science fiction and thrillers.
He’s been compelled by evil elves to write a third person biog. He used to be a lighting designer for theatres and was quite good at it. When he had to retire he set his entire SFF series in a lightless world in a huff. It turned out it worked quite well. The Dark Series is the result. He lives in beautiful countryside with his wife and two kids, which is quite a shock for a townie.
He alternately writes thrillers for people who hate space and because he really wants to be the late great Iain M Banks. The thrillers star Cady Grey, a teenaged detective with a wheelchair, who may or may not be based loosely on his youngest daughter.
Join either or both of my mailing lists for free stories!
There’s a copy of Ixxy and the Net waiting for you
A 23,000 word sci-fi pirate thriller set in the Dark Universe.
Ixxy wants an adventure. She lives with her loving family of River-folk, laundering clothes. It’s cosy—too cosy. She longs to explore, to live the stories she overhears when she’s hiding outside the bar. But then she hears a story she shouldn’t. A secret tale of treasure and mystery: the myth of The Net. And this story, River-folk will kill to keep secret. When is it too late to take back a wish? Will she surrender her freedom for adventure? What about her life?
Cady is a girl who never gives up. But when she goes looking for Ed’s lost package, will she risk their lives to get it back?
Cady is invisible. One of the ‘perks’ of being a wheelchair user. Sometimes it’s better that way. For example when you’re a seventeen year old girl and all you want to do is get through sixth form in one piece. Cady Grey is the seventeen year old heroine of a new series of thrillers. Book one, The Wheels of Cady Grey is out now in ebook, paperback and audio! Welcome to The World Of Cady Grey.